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Online examination is the latest trend for selecting candidates in educational and employment sectors. Conventional examination procedure which is a time consuming process has been replaced by online examination in the recent times. This modern form of assessment has become widely accepted in most of the recognized institutions and organizations.
One should be equipped with a good internet connection with proper speed for online exams. Multiple-user accessibility may potentially slow down connectivity and hamper your progress. Using a hard-wired connection plugged in directly to the network jack is preferable rather than using the wireless ones. This will provide a more stable connection.
The applicant should be familiar with the user interface of the examination. Most institutions and organizations offer options for series of mock tests to familiarize the examinees with the exam process. Practising these online tests will familiarize the candidate with its operating techniques.
Disabling all the pop-up blockers is necessary before starting the exam. Closing all unnecessary programs like instant messaging, Facebook, Yahoo is required to prevent pop-up notification. This will protect the applicant from distraction or interference during the course of the examination.
Avoid using Refresh, Forward or Back buttons on the browser during the course of test. This might disrupt the procedure of the test. Avoid opening a new browser while appearing for the test. This could result in reloading the assessment. Reappearance in the examination will be denied if only one attempt format is set in the examination process. However, if multiple attempts are allowed in the test, then reappearance after opening the new browser may be possible.
Read the instructions carefully before appearing for the test. Details about the procedure of the examination must be noticed minutely such as – maximum time granted to answer the paper, whether the answers be changed after submission, should the questions only be answered in sequence. These techniques aren’t universal and may vary from one test to the other. If any instruction is not properly followed, your paper may get canceled.
Keeping a track of time during the course of the test is important if a time tracker isn’t present in the webpage of the examination. This will let you maintain a steady pace of answering the questions before time is over.
If one has to appear for an exam within a specific time period, then it’s better not to wait until the last minute to take the test. If something goes wrong at the last moment, you will have no time to rectify the issue before the deadline. Also, the internet traffic is at peak as the deadline approaches. If you get caught up in the scramble, you might not be able to appear for the exam altogether because of a defunct server.
One should not click on the exam link unless being prepared for it. The test will/might start off once the link is clicked, and there would be no looking back once the exam starts for a single appearance format.
It is important to check if your system is functioning properly. Making sure that the antivirus software is updated is important, as viruses and malware may interfere while taking the exam.
Maximising the internet browser is an important function to keep in mind before appearing for the test. Critical functions like Save or Submit buttons may stay hidden if the webpage is not maximised. Resizing the browser during the course of the assessment might not be allowed while taking certain tests. This might result in a possible loss of data that has already been worked on or blocking further access to the test where there is only a single attempt allowed.